txtSignInButton_res = "Sign In"; txtChangeExpiredPIN_res = "Change PIN"; msgPhoneExtNotConfig = "Your phone extension is not configured. Use your complete phone number and PIN to join conferences."; txtIWATitle_res = "Sign In"; msgRequestInProgress = "A request is already in progress. Please try again later."; txtPhoneFormTitle_res = "Conference Dial-in Numbers"; txtNewPinCancelButton_res = "Cancel"; txtBackToMainpage_res = "Back to main page"; txtDTMFCommandHelp_res = "Play a description of the available DTMF commands"; msgLogonError = "Cannot sign in to the server. Verify your user name and password, and then try again."; txtPinRequirementsLen_res = "- must be between %0 and %1 digits long"; logoFilePath = "/dialin/client/en-us/logo.png"; txtDTMFCommandMuteUnmuteSelf_res = "Mute or unmute your microphone"; txtPhoneFormRegion_res = "Region"; txtPINDays_res = "days"; msgInvalidPinHistory = "You must specify a PIN that is different from your last PINs."; txtResetConfNoButton_res = "No"; txtDTMFCommandAdmitAll_res = "Admit all participants currently in the lobby to the conference"; txtNewPinSaveButton_res = "OK"; msgInvalidPinExpired = "You cannot set a previously expired PIN."; txtSignIn_res = "Sign In"; msgSessionTimout = "Your session has timed out. Sign in again."; txtPINDay_res = "day"; txtPinInfoHeader_res = "Use your PIN when dialing in to conferences and meetings on your company network."; txtResetConfPrompt_res = "Do you want to reset your Assigned Conference information?"; txtPINUnlockedHeader_res = "Your PIN has been locked because there were too many unsuccessful attempts to sign in. You must unlock your PIN before you can use it again."; txtConfDescPSTNDisabled_res = "Give your Assigned Conference information to people you want to invite to your meeting."; textDirection = "ltr"; txtSignInDiff_res = "Sign in with a different account"; msgIWAUserNameTips = "Type sign-in address (someone@example.com)"; txtResetConfYesButton_res = "Yes"; msgAuthNotSupport = "Cannot sign in because your Web browser does not support the authentication method used by the server. Contact your system administrator for assistance."; msgFormUserNameTips = "Type domain\\username"; txtCancelSignInButton_res = "Cancel"; txtPhoneExtension_res = "Phone Extension:"; tooltipError = "Error"; msgOperationFailed = "The operation failed with an unexpected error. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator."; widthInputTextFieldUsername = "275px"; msgInvalidPinMinimumLength = "Your PIN must be at least %0 digits in length."; txtIWAHeader_res = "Sign in using your network logon credentials."; msgPhoneExtDup = "Your phone extension is not unique. Use your complete phone number and PIN to join conferences."; widthButtonSignIn = "85px"; txtConfResetButton_res = "Reset my Assigned Conference information"; txtPINExpireFordHeader_res = "Your PIN has expired. You must set a new PIN, so that you can use it when dialing in to conferences and meetings."; msgUserAccountDisabled = "Your account is disabled."; txtDTMFCommandDescription_res = "Feature"; txtResetConfTitle_res = "Reset Your Assigned Conference Information"; msgPinBlank = "The PIN cannot be blank."; msgPublicMeetingNotAllowed = "You do not have permissions to create an Assigned Conference."; msgPhoneNotConfig = "A phone number has not been configured for you. Please contact your support team with this information."; msgInvalidPinRepeatingDigit = "Your PIN cannot contain repeating digits."; txtBasicFormHeader_res = "To set your PIN and Conference ID you must first sign in."; txtResetConfDesc_res = "By resetting your Assigned Conference information you automatically create a new Conference ID and Meeting URL. Your old Conference ID and Meeting URL will no longer work."; txtPinRequirementsGeneric_res = "Your PIN cannot be more than %0 digits long, and cannot contain letters, spaces or special characters. You use this PIN when you dial in to conferences and meetings on your company network."; txtChangePIN_res = "Reset your PIN"; txtPassword_res = "Password:"; txtDTMFCommandRollCall_res = "Privately play the name of each participant in the conference"; widthButtonCancel = "85px"; msgInvalidPinMaximumLength = "Your PIN cannot exceed the maximum allowed length of %0 digits."; msgInvalidPinConsecutiveDigits = "Your PIN cannot contain consecutive digits."; msgPinNeverExpired = "Never"; txtDTMFNote_res = "The DTMF commands listed above may differ based on the configuration on the Organizer's site. To ensure accuracy, please click on the \"Find a local number\" link in the invite for your meeting."; txtPhoneFormNumber_res = "Number"; txtPinRequirementsBegin_res = "Your PIN:"; msgPinUnlockSucess = "Your PIN was successfully unlocked."; txtPINExpiredHeader_res = "PIN Expiration:"; msgPinNoMatch = "The PIN entries you typed don't match."; txtPinRequirementsCommonPatterns_res = "- cannot contain repeating or consecutive numbers, or match your phone number or extension"; txtJavascriptDisabled_res = "JavaScript is not enabled. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings and try again."; msgUserNotProvisionedInThisDeployment = "Your account is not configured for onprem environment. Please login into https://dialin.teams.microsoft.com/ or contact your system administrator."; txtConfDesc_res = "Give your Assigned Conference information and the dial-in phone numbers to people you want to invite to your conference. When participants join the conference or meeting from their phone, they will be prompted to enter the following information."; txtPinRequirementsHistory_res = "- must be different from your last %0 PIN(s)"; txtSigninDesc_res = "Type your network login credentials."; txtForgotYourPin_res = "Forgot your PIN or need to change it?"; txtSignOut_res = "Sign Out"; msgResetConfSuccess = "Your conference information has been reset. Please restart Microsoft Outlook to send meeting invitations with the new information."; txtConfTitle_res = "Assigned Conference Information"; msgNoServerCert = "The server certificate is not available. Contact your system administrator for assistance."; txtPINTitle_res = "Personal Identification Number (PIN)"; txtPhoneFormLangs_res = "Available Languages"; msgPinLockedWhenReset = "Your current PIN cannot be re-used. Please specify a different one."; txtUnlockPIN_res = "Unlock PIN"; txtMeetingURL_res = "Meeting URL:"; txtIWALanguage_res = "Language:"; msgUserNamePasswordIncorrect = "Your user name or password is incorrect."; txtPhoneExtentionSeperateor_res = "x"; txtPhoneConferenceIDDesc_res = "Conference ID:"; msgSessionExpired = "Your session is expired. Sign in again."; msgUserPasswordExpired = "Your password has expired."; txtIWASigninButton_res = "Sign In"; msgInvalidPinNumericOnly = "Your PIN cannot contain non-numeric characters."; txtResetConfDescPSTNDisabled_res = "By resetting your Assigned Conference information you automatically create a new Meeting URL. Your old Meeting URL will no longer work."; txtNewPINLabel_res = "New PIN:"; txtPinRequirementsEnd_res = "You use this PIN when you dial in to conferences and meetings on your company network."; txtDTMFCommandLockUnlockConference_res = "Lock or unlock the conference"; txtPinRequirementsAllowedCharacters_res = "- cannot contain letters, spaces or special characters"; msgInvalidPinGeneric = "Your PIN does not meet the complexity requirements. Create a new PIN."; widthButtonUnlockPin = "100px"; msgBrowserNotSupported = "Your Web browser is not supported. Please try using a supported Web browser."; txtSignInFormHeader_res = "Sign In"; txtDTMFCommandMuteUnmuteAll_res = "Toggle audience mute"; msgUserIsNotSipEnabled = "You are not SIP enabled."; txtDTMFCommandName_res = "DTMF"; txtNewPINTitle_res = "Set Your PIN"; msgW12User = "You are not enabled for this feature. Please contact your support team for assistance."; txtUserName_res = "User name:"; txtDTMFCommandEnableDisableAnnouncements_res = "Enable or disable announcements for participants entering and exiting the conference"; txtConfNotes_res = "Note: People with an account on your corporate network should use their PIN to join the conference."; txtLanguage_res = "Language:"; msgBadPin = "The PIN you provided does not meet your company's policy requirements. Create a new PIN."; tooltipWarning = "Warning"; txtDTMFCommandsFormTitle_res = "In Conference DTMF Controls"; txtDialinPageTitle_res = "Dial-in Conferencing Settings and PIN Management"; txtPhoneNumber_res = "Phone Number:"; msgPinChangeSucess = "Your PIN was successfully changed."; msgInvalidPinPhone = "Your PIN cannot match your phone number or extension."; txtNewPINConfirm_res = "Confirm PIN:";